Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 7/25/12
In attendance: Rob, Rita, Harry, Aaron & Mark Wamsley (visitor from Westfield Wild & Scenic)
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm
Mark Wamsley from Westfield Wild & Scenic made a brief presentation regarding the kiosk/sign to be placed in Bidwell Park. He explained what he needed from the Commission (a 250-word max. statement and a max. of 3 photos with captions). He showed us an example of what similar signs look like and said he would email Aaron some sample text from other signs for our reference. We thanked Mark for his guidance and he left the meeting.
The minutes from the June meeting were read. Harry moved to accept them as read, Rita seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
TREASUER’S REPORT – we have a new balance of $800 in our account
- Notice from ZBA about a special permit for residence at 229 E. Shore Drive. The date for comments passed prior to our meeting. We discussed what to do in the future regarding time-sensitive materials – no consensus was reached – we will take it on a case-by-case basis.
- Notice from Planning Board about proposed construction of a truck stop/gas station near intersection of Rte 8 and Rte 20. As there are several historic landmarks nearby, there is concern about such a structure. Aaron moved that the Historical Commission voice its opposition/concern about the structure due to its size and proximity to several important historical landmarks/locations in Becket (Baird Tavern, Jacob’s Ladder Scenic Trail, West Becket Cemetery). Harry 2nd the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Received communication from a Steven who claims to have many photographs of Becket from the 40s, 50s and 60s. He is looking for the box with the pictures and may come to our August meeting.
- Received notice from Federated Church about participation in their annual calendar. Rita moved that we spend the $12 to list our monthly meetings on the calendar, Aaron 2nd and the motion passed unanimously.
- The Lenox Bookstore is unable to order the book “Life with the 49th MA Vol.”. We have to purchase it directly from the publisher, Troy Press. Aaron will look into ordering the book online through them. Rita moved that we amend the previous motion to pay up to $15 for the book to include any shipping costs related to getting the book. Harry 2nd and the motion passed unanimously.
Izzy Salvini is in contact with Rita regarding setting up a date to go through some old postcards.
- We revisited the postcard for use as images on the Bidwell Park sign and came to a consensus about how to prioritize our selections. Aaron will scan the postcards and forward them along to Mark.
- Rob and Aaron will revisit the text and whittle it down to the necessary word count and forward it along to Mark as well.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55pm